Lawrenceburg Now

Monday, July 19, 2010

Lawrenceburg Council Regular Session Planned

   Members of the board that governs the City of Lawrenceburg slated to meet in regular session Thursday morning, will be asked to consider a moderate amount of business.

   The agenda for the July 16 meeting of the Lawrenceburg Board of Mayor and Commissioners calls for members to hold a public hearing, then consider passage of three ordinances and one resolution.

   Public hearing for Ordinance 1065, the city’s budget ordinance for the 2010-2011 fiscal year, will get underway at 8:30 a.m. with the meeting to immediately follow. The public hearing will allow citizens an opportunity to express any opinions or concerns regarding the budget plan.

   Once the meeting is called to order, members of the council will consider the following business items:

*Ordinance 1065 – An ordinance of the City of Lawrenceburg, adopting the annual budget and tax rate for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2010 and ending June 30, 2011. The ordinance is up for consideration on second and final reading.

*Ordinance     1066 – An ordinance to establish the 2010 property tax rate; to levy taxes and to levy ad valorem taxes on all property, real and personal, within the corporate limits of the City of Lawrenceburg, subject to taxation. The ordinance is up for consideration on second and final reading.

*An amendment to the city’s zoning ordinance – An ordinance to amend ordinance number 789 entitled the “Zoning Ordinance of the City of Lawrenceburg” and to amend the Lawrenceburg Municipal Code; title 4; chapter 2: article v; section 5.060 commercial district regulations; 5.061 c-1, central business district; d. Uses permitted as special exception; residential activities to remove the words “multi-family” only. The amendment is up for consideration on first reading, as recommended by the regional planning commission.

The sole resolution on the agenda is:  A resolution for the Board of Mayor and Council of the City of Lawrenceburg to enter into an exclusive ticketing agent agreement with Ticket Sage for ticket sales for Crockett Theater.

   The meeting, which is open to the public, will be held inside the commission meeting room of the Lawrenceburg City Administration Building on West Gaines Street.


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